Upgrade your Chrome browser with

Serenity Tab

Mesmerizing moving backgrounds ✔️ Weather forecast ✔️ Quick search ✔️ Favorite sites ✔️ Complete Tranquility ✔️

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Serenity – the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

The Serenity Tab has been developed for those who need some calmness in their lives.

A mind full of cares and concerns can easily lead to an overwhelming feeling which causes stress and anxiety.  

Together with a team of positive psychologists we have developed this extension that not only makes your browser look stunning but also brings calmness and positive thoughts. 

The minimalist design offers a search bar, weather forecast, date and time and quick access to some of the most popular sites in the world. No other clutter. No further distractions. 

Keep it clean and you will clean your mind. Start Peaceful Browsing.

We hope you enjoy the Serenity Tab as much as we do and we welcome you to leave any feedback on the Chrome Web Store in order to help us  make the product even better.

The Serenity Tab is exclusively available in the official Google Chrome Web Store.

Click on the logo to start your Peaceful Browsing experiencing